Monday, July 21, 2008

I can't sign on to Twitter

So I guess I'll just have to make my random thoughts an official and permanent part of the blog. Lets see:

The boyfriend is out of town. I miss him a little, but I have to say that it's not bothering me nearly as much as it usually does. Probably I shouldn't let him know that though. Is it possible to appear bored and distracted on Skype? He called last night, and I couldn't help but feel like he thought I should be entertaining him, but really I wasn't in the mood.

My room is a mess. A serious, serious mess. Also, I lost my driver's license a couple of days ago, which sucks for so many reasons. It's a good thing I have to renew it this year, or I'd be super annoyed, instead of really annoyed and a little freaked out.

I filed my income taxes, yay for me. Now I just have to catch up on some other crap and I'll be good.

That is such a lie, I'm never good for more than about six weeks. I think I'm addicted to being in trouble. It's become a game to figure out how many safety nets I can find to land in, or bounce out of.

What else?

I dunno, I guess that's all for now...oh, yes, one other thing - I'm supposed to be trying to write for ten minutes every day. Does this count? SURE it does. I don't know if this was ten minutes, but whatever. Something's better than nothing. At least in theory.

Sorry for wasting your time with the drivel.

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