Friday, November 16, 2007

I Have Nothing to Say Today

What am I going to do this weekend? Maybe I will take back my library books, and maybe I will dust off my sewing machine and make something. Heck, maybe I will even make a big concerted effort to get my kitchen cleaned up. I know my roommate would like it if the kitchen was clean. Not that the desire for a clean kitchen provokes any kind of action on part of the aforementioned individual, you understand. Probably I will just eat cookies, throw them up and then read.

What am I reading right now? Mercedes Lackey, although really the quality of her work has gone seriously downhill and I feel a little like I'm slogging through mud. A little MaryJanice Davidson on the CD player (Vampire Queen Betsy is the bestest!), and then possibly Freakanomics by Stephen Levitt, because who doesn't love a rock star economist. If I come up for air after that, I could do yard work. Stop snickering, I said I COULD do yard work.

What else? Oh! It's eggnog latte season, that always makes me happy, and pretty soon the few retailers who didn't put up Christmas decorations before Halloween will have their lights up. I think I'm going to put some lights up myself this year. Because I did buy some lights last year, and it seems a profligate waste not to use them again. Or maybe I'll go buy new ones. I don't know.

What I really need is a good pattern for making DNA out of common household chemicals. Because I have a theory... And why should the science geeks get all the fun cloning stuff?

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