Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Time to Edit the Book

Soo....I've decided that I will pay an outrageous amount of money (especially considering that I'm likely to be unemployed soon) to go to a writer's conference and shop my book. In order to do that I have to edit it. It's kind of like the writers equivalent of giving birth and then having to change diapers. Or in this case, really poopy diapers, that have leaked, all over the living room couch. Still I must gird my loins (heh, that phrase always makes me think of something dirty) and get on with the business of getting on with the business of writing.

And, you know, blogging too. Sort of.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Possibly I'm the Worst Blogger in the World

Or maybe not, I don't known. For some reason I've just been having terrible ear wax build up lately. Dunno what that's about. Anyway, it's time for my annual promise to write more often.

You do know I'm a liar, right?